Welcome to Japanese Learning Inspired Vision & Engagement Talk!

J.LIVE Talk2024 flyer

We are happy to announce that the J.LIVE Talk 2024 will be held on Sunday, November 3rd in-person on the George Washington University campus!

J.LIVE Talk is a national presentation contest with the focus on 21st century skills, held annually since 2015. It evaluates the dynamism, vision and level of engagement of each participant’s presentation, which can include audio-visual materials, audience interaction, and other innovations that enhance their talk in a manner similar to the TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) talks.

The preliminary round application deadline for individual divisions is September 24, 2024. Selected finalists will be invited to Washington, DC with travel subsidies of up to $500.

We will have two categories (Intermediate low-mid, Intermediate high and above) in the high school individual division and three categories (Intermediate mid-high, Advanced Low-Mid, Advanced High and above) in the college individual division this year. We also have a high school group video competition. 
Last year in 2023 we were finally able to resume completely in-person competitions, and we were so glad to see how the students learning Japanese built lasting friendships and inspired each other. We are hoping that this lively learning community will keep growing.  
Please join us at J.LIVE Talk 2024!
Questions? Please contact [email protected].
J.LIVE 2024 sponsors as of 09/06/2024