J.LIVE Talk 2024 Results
High School Individual Division

Category I
Gold: Kaylee Clifton
"Concerns Regarding Shark Fin Soup (フカヒレスープの問題)"
Hayfield Secondary School (VA)
Silver: Anqi Li
"Why Should Everyone Make Sweets? (なぜみんなお菓子作りをすべきなのか)"
Stevenson School (CA)
Bronze: Abigail Chaffin
"The Impact of Coffee (コーヒーの衝撃)"
Hayfield Secondary School (VA)
Category II

Gold: Nagone Reid
"The Voice of the Sea (海の声)"
Hayfield Secondary School (VA)
Silver: Chloe Faust
"The Importance of Studying Languages (言語を学ぶことの大事さ)"
Tamiscal High School (CA)
Bronze: Quincy Qu
"Radio Service Project: Sonder (ラジオサービスプロジェクト: ソンダー)"
Stevenson School (CA)
High School Group Video Division

Gold: Stevenson School (CA)
Silver: Bellaire High School (TX)
Bronze: Ocean Lakes High School (VA)
Honorable Mention: Hayfield Secondary School (VA)
College Division

Category I
Gold: Jessica Tang
"Stand In Your Discomfort (嫌な気持ちに⽴ち向かうことの⼤切さ)"
Georgetown University
Silver: Dusty Rogers
"Music that Stirs the Heart (心を動かす音楽)"
George Washington University
Bronze: Adam Deslatte
"The Evolution of AI and the Future of Learners (AIの進化と学習者の未来)"
Baylor University

Category II
Gold: Jungtaek Hong
"Window, or Wall (窓か、壁か)"
University of Virginia
Silver: Joshua Browder
"To Broaden One’s Worldview (考え方を広くする)"
Baylor University
Bronze: Rui Yan
"What Do We Mean By 'A Suitable Age?' (適齢期とは?)"
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
College Category III

Gold: Santiago Ravello
"What Is 'Legitimacy' for Speakers of a Second Language?
George Washington University
Silver: Tomohiro Nozaki
"The Keys to Unlocking Your Future (未来を切り開く鍵)"
Georgetown University
Bronze: Linda Li
"Too Little Water (水不足)"
Yale University