
to better understand its cultures, history and people.

Who We Are

A professor teaching in a Chinese Poetry classroom

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL) focuses on teaching and research on the languages and cultures of China, Japan and Korea. We offer undergraduate majors and minors in all three language tracks, as well as a unique master’s program in Chinese.

Our internationally published faculty are experts in the languages, culture and literature of East Asian peoples, from ancient civilizations to modern times. In today’s global economy, knowledge of East Asia can provide a crucial stepping stone to careers in academia, business, diplomacy, government, medicine, law and much more.

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News from EALL


Nicholas Bird

Our Japanese major wins the MEXT scholarship to Japan

August 31, 2024

Nicholas Bird has won the 2024 MEXT Scholarship for Japanese Studies, and will spend this academic year studying Japanese at Nanzan University in Japan.

Jonathan Chaves new book 2024

The Same Moon Shines on All: The Lives and Selected Poems of Yanagawa Seigan and Kōran

June 12, 2024

Jonathan Chaves's book presents an in-depth analysis of one of Japan's major writers of kanshi (Chinese-language poetry), and his wife, also a master of kanshi.


Professor Kim Selected as Harvard Radcliffe Fellow

June 7, 2024

East Asian Languages and Literatures Professor Jisoo M. Kim will be part of the 25th anniversary class of fellows.

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Our Focus Areas

“The lessons I learned at GW on my Korean journey will be with me throughout my life. Not only did I learn that I can follow and create my own paths; I learned to follow my passions wherever they may lead me. It is difficult for me to think about where I would be had it not been for learning Korean and creating my own major. One thing I do know for certain is that I would not be on the amazing journey that I am on today.”

Janelle McDowell
BA ‘15, Special Interdisciplinary Major, Korean Language and Literature