Assistant Professor Liana Chen authored the book 從案頭到氍毹:《牡丹亭》明清文人之詮釋改編與舞臺藝術之遞進 (Cong antou dao qushu: Mudan ting Ming Qing wenren zhi quanshi gaibian yu wutai yishu zhi dijin "Literati and Actors at Work: The Transformations of Peony Pavilion on Page and on Stage in the Ming and Qing Dynasties"), published by 臺大出版中心 (National Taiwan University Press 2013). Tang Xianzu's Peony Pavilion has had a long and illustrious afterlife in print and on stage. This book examples the shifting priorities and aesthetic tastes in stage and literati adaptations of the play in multiple cultural contexts.
Professor Liana Chen publishes a new book: Cong Antou Dao Qushu
August 1, 2014