Miaochun Wei

Miaochun Wei
Teaching Assistant Professor in the Chinese Language
Core Faculty
Miaochun Wei (魏妙纯), is a native Mandarin Chinese and Southern Min dialect speaker and has worked as a Mandarin Chinese instructor since 2000. She was a teaching assistant for distance instruction with Keio University in Japan, an instructor at both the Mandarin Training Center at National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan and in Princeton in Beijing, China. She taught Chinese at Hamilton College, and ACC-STARTALK in New York. She has been at the George Washington University since 2007.
Miaochun Wei obtained her doctoral degree specializing in Curriculum and Instruction at Graduate School of Education and Human Development, GWU. Her research mainly focuses on Chinese as a Foreign Language. Her research interests include second language acquisition, language assessment, hidden curriculum, model minority, and teacher’s professional development. She earned her Master’s Degree in Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language from National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures with minors in Spanish Language and in Education from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. She is an ACTFL Full OPI tester of Mandarin Chinese.
Second language acquisition, language assessment, hidden curriculum, model minority, and teacher’s professional development
CHIN1001 Beginning Chinese I
CHIN1002 Beginning Chinese II
CHIN2003 Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN2004 Intermediate Chinese II
CHIN3015 Intermediate Chinese III
CHIN3106 Intermediate Chinese IV
CHIN4107 Reading in Modern Chinese I
CHIN4108 Reading in Modern Chinese II
CHIN4185 Directed Reading I
CHIN4186 Directed Reading II
Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, George Washington University (2017)
M.A. in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University (2006)
B.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Cheng Kung University (2003)