Takae Tsujioka

Takae Tsujioka
Teaching Associate Professor in the Japanese Language
Core Faculty
Japanese linguistics, Japanese pedagogy, syntax, morphology, technology in language classroom
Beginning Japanese I-II
Intermediate Japanese I-IV
Advanced Conversation and Composition I-II
Readings in Modern Japanese I-II
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics II
Directed Reading I
Selected Publications
2017. “Acquiring communication skills for global competency.” The 23rd Princeton Japanese Pedagogy Forum Proceedings, 284-299. Princeton University, NJ. (co-authored with Tomoko Hoogenboom)
2017. “J-CAN Project: Teaching Grammar as Concept and Use in Context.” The 31st Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese, 159-178. Middle Tennessee University, TN. (co-authored with Junko Markovic, Kyoko Vaughan, Hiromi Lamberson, and Yukiyo Moorman)
2012. Intermediate Japanese: A Grammar and Workbook. Routledge. (co-authored with Shoko Hamano)
2011. “Idioms, Mixed Marking, and the Base-generation Hypothesis for Ditransitives in Japanese.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics, 20(2), 117-143.
2011. Basic Japanese: A Grammar and Workbook. Routledge. (co-authored with Shoko Hamano)
2004. Argument Structure and Ditransitive Verbs in Japanese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 13, 1-38. (co-authored with Shigeru Miyagawa)
2002. The Syntax of Possession in Japanese. New York: Routledge Publishers.
Recent Conference Presentations
2019. “Holistic Approach to Information Literacy Education in the Japanese Classroom.” ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo. Washington, DC (with Tomoko Hoogenboom)
2019. “Japanese Learning Inspired Vision and Engagement Talk: Impact, Future Directions and Challenges.” Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association. San Diego, CA
2019. “CBI syllabus with literary pieces for critical thinking skills.” Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference. Winston-Salem, NC (with Leo Hanami)
2018. “Teaching Cohesion.” Foreign Language Association of Virginia Annual Conference. Williamsburg, VA
2018. “He said, she said: The role of emotions in the instruction for cohesion.” Association of Teachers of Japanese Annual Spring Conference, Washington, DC
Ph.D. in Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington DC (2001)
MA in Applied Linguistics, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (1995)