The 20th annual HMS Colloquium celebrated a century of modern Korean literature that has flourished through the tumultuous modern history of Korea. The highlight of this colloquium was a dialog between distinguished literary scholars teaching at US universities and internationally known, prize-winning Korean authors, and the Washington audience. Featured speakers included three Korean authors, Hye-kyung Lee, Jung-hee Oh, and Sae-young Oh; and literary scholars, Keong-Hee Choi of the University of Chicago, Theodore Hughes of Columbia University, Yung-Hee Kim of the University of Hawai'i, Ji-Eun Lee of Washington University in St. Louis, and Youngju Ryu of the University of Michigan. On the eve of the Colloquium, the Korean authors spoke at a special event provided at the Korean Cultural Center of the Korean Embassy.
20th Hahn Moo-Sook Colloquium in the Korean Humanities is on 100 Years of Modern Korean Literature
February 1, 2012