Yuxin Hou

Yuxin Hou

Yuxin Hou


Part-Time Faculty


Email: Yuxin Hou

Yuxin Hou, a Mandarin Chinese instructor, brings diverse experience to her role, with a teaching background that extends from K-12 to higher education. Since 2020, she has been involved in various educational initiatives, contributing to the CIFLTE Online Foreign Language Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, and the Princeton in Beijing Chinese program at Princeton University. In Fall 2022, she joined GWU's Chinese Program supporting the delivery of CHIN 1001 and 1002 courses. Her academic interests include second language acquisition, Chinese language pedagogy, curriculum design, and literacy education, and she continues to research and explore these areas in her current role.

Second language acquisition, Chinese language pedagogy, curriculum design, and literacy education

CHIN 1001: Beginning Chinese I

CHIN 1002: Beginning Chinese II

CHIN 4107: Readings in Modern Chinese I

CHIN 4108: Readings in Modern Chinese II

M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction (Reading and Literacy Education), George Washington University

Certificate for Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL), Teachers College, Columbia University

B.A in English Language and Literature (Teacher Education), Southwest University, China